2669 Canyons Resort Dr
Park City, UT 84098
Tel: (435)602-9015
Need help planning your vacation?
At Park City, our goal is to ensure your vacation planning goes as smoothly as possible. And for our kosher guests, we have dedicated kosher vacation specialists that are available to help plan every aspect of your Park City vacation.
From making your lodging and restaurant reservations, to reserving ski school classes, lift tickets and spa treatments, our team is here to help.
For more information on Kosher dining please phone or email us directly 435-615-3400 at parkcitykosher@vailresorts.com or call us toll-free at (855) 444-5674 for lodging, ski or snowboard rentals and everything else you need for your perfect Park City vacation.
If you have flexible dates, be sure to check out the Vacation Deals, Kosher elements can be added to any of the featured vacation packages.
For lodging, please call us at (855) 444-5674.